25 Minnesota Landscapes (Eagan MN Community-Supported Art)

This series of collage paintings was created for a Community-Supported Art project for the city of Eagan, MN. Inspired by the landscapes of Minnesota, I created these works by first painting abstractly and intuitively on paper, keeping in mind a particular landscape and time of day/year. I then cut up the painting into small pieces, and arranged those pieces onto a new sheet of paper to create a compelling composition. I am interested in the element of chance that this process adds to my work. The resulting collages are a melding of direct sensory inspiration from the landscape with abstraction created from my collaging process.

Having lived in Minnesota for just three years, these landscapes still feel new and surprising to me. I’m struck most by the contrast of colors within the landscape: intense, deep blues and greens in summer; spruce green and aspen yellow setting each other off in autumn; electric pink and orange reflections in the lake at twilight; barren whites and yellows against the rich blue of a winter sky. I hope that by expressing my experiences in this way, the viewer will be struck by the same feelings of wonder and inspiration that I feel within these unique landscapes.

Each work measures 10″x8″.

Lake In Summer 1

Lake In Summer 1

Lake In Autumn

Lake In Autumn

Prairie In Bloom

Prairie In Bloom

North Shore 1

North Shore 1

Lake At Twilight 3

Lake At Twilight 3

River Gorge 2

River Gorge 2

Autumn (Looking Up) 2

Autumn (Looking Up) 2

Lake In Summer (Cloudy Sky)

Lake In Summer (Cloudy Sky)

Lake In Winter

Lake In Winter

Distant River 1

Distant River 1

Lake, Evening

Lake, Evening

Spring Haze

Spring Haze

Lake At Twilight 1

Lake At Twilight 1

Summer Shadows

Summer Shadows

Autumn (Looking Up) 1

Autumn (Looking Up) 1

River Gorge 1

River Gorge 1

Distant River 2

Distant River 2

Autumn (Aspen and Spruce)

Autumn (Aspen and Spruce)

Field In Winter

Field In Winter

Lake In Summer 2

Lake In Summer 2

North Shore 2

North Shore 2

Summer Prairie

Summer Prairie

Lake At Twilight 2

Lake At Twilight 2

Lake In Summer 3

Lake In Summer 3

North Shore, Autumn

North Shore, Autumn